Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Thought you are alright 
Thought you are ok
Thought you are happy 
Thought you are painless

Thought you are not sad 
Thought you enjoy
Thought that everything is just fine between us
Thought were ok

Thought you have no problems
Thought that you were just doing fine

Thoughts that i've thought
thoughts that are wrong
thoughts i've thought

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


Last July 27 2018,Sta.Maria National High School just celebrated the nutrition month.In the program every section of the school presented their performances lively,enthusiastic,bravely and energetic at the end of the program the teachers prepared a little exiting parlor games.grade 10 played the dragons tale which is led by Mr. Jhonny Baniton a computer teacher.The game was exiting yet enjoyable and joyful.The students enjoyed every single time with the game and went home happy. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2018



Simulan,ang ating kwento
Kung saan tayo nagkakilala
tayo'y nagkabanggaan sa daan
Tulala sa nangyari,di maalis sa isipan ang itsura

Bakit pa kita nakilala?
Bakit pa kita nakita?
Bakit pa sayo nahulog diba?

Pangalawa,nanligaw ka 
At nukuha ang matamis na sagot diba 
Ang saya ng panahon na kasama ka
Ang saya ng panahon na tayo dalawa pa

Dumating ang panahon 
Na ikay lumamig na
At ikay humanap nang iba

Bakit mo ako iniwan?
Bakit mo ako pinabayaan?
Bakit ba ako bay nagkulang?


hi guys,good day to you all, this is the author writing,my blog contains different topics.As you can see those are just ideas in my mind and sometimes it is connected to my life.I made this blog because our professor told us to to make it so that we can have a high grade in our computer subject.Hope you can support me and your consideration in my blog.

Monday, August 6, 2018


Times that were happy together,laughing and bullying each other,going to a certain place that we are always partners,"tandem  goals" what people thought about it.

Thought that you were happy being in our side.But,the time comes,you are not talking to us,you didn't even say hi to us now.You don't even open your situation to us.

YOU suddenly change without us knowing your side.

I miss our bonding,I miss every place that we went together,I miss everything and every piece of you.I wish we could talk about your side.I wish we could talk about your problem.I miss being with you,I miss sharing secrets with you.Please come back to us.Hope you will read this and realize what happened to us.I MISS YOU.

Thursday, August 2, 2018


10 Reasons why do people break down.

*Lack of time
*Lack of trust
*Lack of Faith
*Lack of attention
*Family Problem
*School works
*Too much Judgements
*Too much Criticism

Does this Reasons Real?Viewers!if this reasons are true please comment below my blog and if there are more reasons, you can comment below.Thank you!


 The movie EXPELLED is a wonderful and artistic.It shows the present happenings on the earth.This movie also is all about FELIX,the boy who got expelled because he didn't follow the  rules and regulations of the school.This movie also presents how people hack systems.We students must learn from Felix.Millenials!Hackers!must watch this.